Miami public radio’s “Topical Currents” hosted CLASH! authors Alana and Hazel on the eve of the Trayvon Martin case decision, wherein we explained not only why Blacks still think they are judged by the color of their skin, but also why they are right. We also had time to talk about less controversial topics, like religion and politics. Listen here.
In this radio interview on Wisconsin Public Radio’s “The Joy Cardin Show,” Alana fields questions from several articulate callers, including one who asked, Why can’t we all just get over our cultures and agree to the underlying, fundamental Platonic ideals of truth, beauty, and justice? Hear Alana’s response, as well as her thoughts on whether people are getting ruder, what Wisconsin has in common with Texas, and why Alaskans are so independent.
Note: CLASH! does NOT argue that our cultures determine whether we are successful, as the intro claims.
This one was fun to make: A Huffington Post multimedia slideshow illustrating the 8 culture clashes, plus a scorecard readers can use to figure out how independent and interdependent they tend to be. PLUS: pics of Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, and LL Cool J, not to mention video of Michael Moore and Merida. Hope you enjoy this one as much as we do!
The Washington Post named CLASH! one of “Eight Books to Make You Smarter” on its innovator’s summer reading list. “This might just be the perfect summer book to read before a family vacation to visit the in-laws,” wrote Dominic Basulto. “Any book that gets props from Amy Chua of ‘Tiger Mother’ fame is worth reading to understand the deep cultural conflicts that determine how we raise our kids and who we choose to govern us.”
MSNBC’s “The Cycle” featured CLASH! on May 16. Alana talked about religion, politics, and why migrating from Tennessee to San Francisco makes you lose weight and change your hair. Special bonus: smart hosts Touré, S.E. Cupp, Ari Melber, and Krystal Ball. Click this post to watch the clip. N.B. When Alana says “global working,” she means “global warming.” Total rookie action….
Studio Tulsa‘s Rich Fisher caught up with Hazel and asked her all about her pioneering research in Japan. Rich and Hazel also discussed many of the other fascinating findings presented in CLASH! Click on this post to hear their conversation.
Conservative radio host Stu Taylor and Alana discussed race, class, and gender, and I had to drop some statistical reasoning on him. Happily, no one got hurt. Click this post to hear a recording of our May 12 conversation.
Media personalities from across the political spectrum are talking about CLASH!
Hear Alana discuss CLASH! with conservative commentator Rusty Humphries on his syndicated talk radio show, brought to you by Tea Party News Network. Practicing what Clash! preaches, Alana and Rusty bridge the independence-interdependence divide to explore cultural conflicts and what to do about them.
Psychology Today profiles CLASH! in its May 2013 issue under the headline “The Real Culture Wars.” Journalist Matt Huston writes about three trade-offs that people make when using their independent versus interdependent sides.
Kara Platoni of Stanford Magazine sat down with Hazel and Alana to discuss Clash! in “About Our Antagonisms.” Among the morsels, Hazel talks about the Japanese art vendor who praised her for picking out the watercolors “that all the American women like,” and Alana reveals “an excellent project for the 21st century.”